Using the Special Keys

Here is a list of the functions on the special keys (press Alt and the key listed here to invoke the function):

F1Erases the graphics screen and resets the Tektronix emulation from any terminal mode. F2Toggle 24/49 lines mode (only on monochrome monitor). F3Write history buffer contents to a VDI-device (printer or meta-file). F4Prints the contents of the textbuffer (this is a very quick way of getting a copy of the screen contents, it is much faster than using the normal screen dump). F5Switches to the graphics screen and sets the terminal to Tektronix 4010 mode. F6Switches the screen and the terminal to VT102/VT100 mode. F7Resets the terminal, reads the default values from disk. F8Toggle autoprint. F9Enter zoommode. F10Toggle between 132(128) and 80 column mode. ASend the answerback string. BSend a short break (0.233 s) (doesn't drop DTR). CStart/stop file capture. HHangup the telephone. LSend a long break (3.5 s) (drops DTR). PScreen dump to disk in DEGAS[*] format. RPlayback a file with the terminal emulator. SControl history recording. TStart file transfer (starts file transfer with the protocol selected in the Transfer menu). VView the history buffer. XSave history buffer to disk. ZHold Screen (Y on the german keyboard). 1–0Dial numbers 1 to 10. HelpAtari screen dump. InsertStart the single-line editor. CapsLockToggle Meta mode.

The key combination ShiftClrHome clears the terminal text screen.